Bespoke healthcare for the individual
We’re here to make sure your health is on point
Special Interest Services
Supporting the broader needs of your health
Sports Medicine
Our doctors are experienced in managing Sports and other Musculoskeletal problems. We have a long and proud history of working with National Teams in the North, and have been associated with the North Queensland Cowboys, The Townsville Fire, The Northern Fury and other major sporting bodies. Dr Arlett has also provided medical services to the Australian Opals basketball team and the Track and Field Olympic Athletes competing for Australia.
We provide a complete range of services for everyone from the backyard athlete to professionals and have a wide network of specialists that we work with. We are experienced in many treatment methods and can deal with acute injuries, right through to chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Skin Cancer Checks & Procedures
Did you know Australians have the highest rate of skin cancer in the world and out of all the states Queensland has the highest rates in the country. Our doctors are qualified to complete whole body skin checks and provide you with appropriate management.
Occupation and lifetime exposure to the sun increases the risk of skin cancer many fold. Yearly skin checks can decrease the morbidity associated with developing skin cancer by allowing early intervention.
We have a dedicated minor procedures room and doctors who are able to offer a range of services for the treatment of skin conditions such as excisions, skin biopsy, electrocautery and radiofrequency ablation. We also offer non-surgical management of selected skin cancers through the use of daylight Photodynamic Therapy, topical creams and cryotherapy.
Daylight Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
PDT is a treatment for non-melanoma skin cancers, it utilises a chemical reaction activated by light energy from the sun to selectively treat various skin conditions. At this clinic it is used for solar damage (actinic keratosis) and some early skin cancers.
Treatment involves the preparation of the lesion to be treated and applying a substrate – either 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) or methyl aminolevulinate (MAL) to the skin. The damaged and abnormal cells take up the 5-ALA or MAL and when activated by sunlight produce oxygen free radicals which destroy damaged cells. PDT can be used on any part of the face or body.
Ask your one of our GP’s for more information or a brochure on the use of PDT.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are now available at TSMP. This is a new treatment regime that is used for Osteoarthritis, tendinitis and other inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions. It can also be used for chronic ulcers as well. PRP is used in cosmetic procedures on occasion as well. It is often used in preference to Cortisone treatments because of a greater efficacy and reduced side effects.
The treatment uses your own blood, which is collected and separated on site. The platelets are harvested and injected into the appropriate area (into joint, around tendon etc) and the results are usually seen within days. Sometimes a second injection is required, but often one is sufficient. Results last for 6-12 months usually. PRP is NOT suitable for arthritis in backs, unfortunately.
Ear Suction
Traditional ear wax evacuation by ear syringing or irrigation has been largely surpassed, due to potential for infection or trauma. At TSMP we are experienced in the use of micro-suction techniques under direct vision with operating microscope. It provides a much safer treatment and is excellent for those with ear wax build up and recurrent external ear infections.
You may need 1-2 treatments depending on the issue and if you are having a treatment for ear wax will be asked to use softening drops in the lead up to improve the treatment results.
Iontophoresis is a method of delivering Cortisone treatments that is needle free. This treatment is pain free, but gives similar results to Cortisone injections. It is very useful for areas of the body that are close to the skin. We find it is really useful for sporting injuries and tendon inflammations such as Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis.
The treatment consists of three to six treatments, a couple of days apart, where a pad with the medication is applied over the sore area, another pad is applied close by and an electric current is passed between the electrodes. This forces the medication through the skin. The Cortisone is an anti-inflammatory medication, and this method of delivery has less side effects than injecting.