Travel assurance—your health passport
We’re here to make sure your travel is smooth and easy
The Travel Clinic
Specialised travel health advice
Townsville & Suburban Medical Practice (TSMP) is a licensed member of Travel Clinics Australia. We are the travel specialist in Townsville.
We are staffed by a medical team that is not only experienced in the needs of overseas travellers but are also seasoned travellers ourselves. We have access to the most up-to-date travel health information, including outbreaks and disease prevention. We provide advice to private travellers, corporate travellers, travel agents and other health professionals.
As a travel clinic, we stock a full range of vaccines for travel health and general immunisations. Some specialised vaccinations we provide are:
Yellow Fever vaccinations required to travel to countries in South America and Africa. We are an approved provider of YF vaccinations by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Japanese Encephalitis vaccines for travellers and government funded vaccines for those in industries requiring vaccination
Q Fever vaccinations for those with exposure to livestock
We also stock and dispense important travel medications for malaria, traveller’s diarrhoea and travel sickness along with medical certificates for travel.
We provide Covid RAT Certificates for those requiring proof of a negative test prior to travel internationally, and stock available COVID vaccines.
A consultation with our travel doctor includes:
Printed and bound detailed travel book specific to your itinerary including disease profiles, health alerts and recent disease outbreaks, contact details of medical facilities and consulate office of chosen destinations.
A free pocket medical guide including international vaccination certificate.
Detailed travel advice comprising of required vaccinations, medications and travel kits. Vaccinations and medications are provided on-site. All initial travel vaccinations are available on a single visit.